Gantt Insurance Agency

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Does Your Business Need a Workers Compensation Insurance Policy?

Owning and operating a business can be exciting and stressful, and there are often many different things to consider. One of those is ensuring you have the right kind of security and protection to keep yourself, customers, employees, and assets safe and secure. If you’re in Farmville, VA, and looking for workers’ compensation insurance protection for your company, Gantt Agency wants to help.

It’s important to note that not all companies need this type of insurance. For example, if you’re self-employed and don’t have others working for you, you probably don’t need this kind of policy. The type of work your company does can also matter since some kinds of jobs have a much higher risk of injury than others. Working with an insurance agent is an excellent choice to ensure you meet local regulations and protect yourself and your company.

Our dedicated professionals can provide you with multiple quotes from insurers who offer the kind of policy you’re looking for, and we’ll be happy to answer your questions, as well. Then, you can have peace of mind when you operate your business, and you’ll know you’re covered if an employee gets injured while performing their duties. That can help you focus on company goals instead of worrying about whether you have good protection for your business.

Contact us today at Gantt Agency if you’re in the Farmville, VA, area and looking for workers’ compensation insurance. We can provide you with quotes from several insurers and answer your questions. That will make it easier for you to choose the best policy for your company and its specific situation so you can get back to working on growing your company and helping it be the best it can be for the future.

Five tips for buying commercial insurance for your business

The purpose of commercial insurance is to protect your business from various unforeseen circumstances. It is a great tool to protect your property, you as a business owner, and your employees. If you are currently searching for business insurance, here are some useful tips that will help you find an excellent policy:

  • Assess all the risks: Before getting a commercial insurance policy, always know what risks your business is exposed to. Remember that risks vary from industry to industry.
  • Think about insurance needs: Depending on the type of your industry, there might be certain regulations that you need to comply with. For example, if you operate a healthcare business, you may need additional insurance malpractice insurance. 
  • Shop around: The worst thing you can do is to settle for the first insurance policy you have found. Instead, talk to insurance agents from different agencies and ask them as many questions as possible. You should make sure you are getting the best value for your money. 
  • Understand the limitations: It is crucial to figure out an insurance policy’s limitations when getting one. If you are unclear about your policy’s limits and exceptions, make sure to talk to an insurance broker or agent and ask them to explain them in detail. 

Commercial insurance is what you need when you operate your business. Regardless of your business’s success, having business insurance is a must. Are you shopping for business insurance in Farmville, VA, or any other nearby area? Gantt Agency is here to assist you. At our agency, we do all we can to help our clients to find the perfect insurance plan. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to give Gantt Agency a call or send a message. 

Adequate Coverage for Your Restaurant Equipment

Preserving the condition of your restaurant equipment is essential. Consider the categories below. Then, consult with one of our Gantt Agency representatives about the coverage you need for your restaurant.


Operating a restaurant comes with risks. Fires, floods, acts of violence, vandalism, and theft could destroy expensive equipment. If restaurant equipment undergoes minor damage, you will be responsible for paying out-of-pocket costs.

Having access to insurance will reduce your financial responsibility. Inspect the inside and outside of your restaurant. This will help you determine the risk level that you will be facing.

For instance, if you own an older restaurant, failing to maintain the building could make it more likely that your place of business will be broken into. Once you determine your risk level, take measures to make your business setting safe and secure.


Take an inventory of all the restaurant equipment that you own. Record information about the appliances, storage units, machinery, and other items that are needed to operate your place of business.

During this process, note any items needing cleaning or repairing. All of your restaurant equipment should be in operable order when you decide to insure it.

If you own any equipment that is especially valuable, make a note of it. You may decide to purchase more insurance coverage for these items. You can use your notes when you are reviewing different types of insurance coverage.

Contact Gantt Agency in Farmville, VA

The steps above will prepare you for a consultation with one of our agents who serve Farmville, VA. The agent whom you contact will advise you on restaurant insurance products that will be useful to you.

Who Workers Comp Really Protects

Even the smallest businesses in Farmville, VA with as few as one employee, may be required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. This is a long-established governmental policy that ensures workers can get compensation should they become injured while performing work-related duties. This coverage is paid for by the employer.

On the surface, this may appear only to benefit the employee.

First, you should understand that Gantt Agency can help employers seek out coverage that is compliant with what the law mandates. You should also be aware that workers’ compensation is more of a two-way street that is recognized by many.

Benefits For Employees

When an employee is injured while performing work-related duties and misses time from work due to the injuries, they can apply for workers’ compensation insurance. When injuries are verified, an employee can receive payments to compensate him or her for wages lost due to the injury.

This works as a buffer between the employee and employer and provides income until the employee can return. In some cases, these payments can be lengthy or even permanent.

For Employers

Workers compensation provides provisions that can protect a business owner from losing his business due to an employee injury. Since employees are compensated, they cannot sue a company for liability claims unless the company has been extremely negligent and the injuries are serious. As long as the company performs its due diligence in operating safely and in providing appropriate training, it can benefit from workers’ compensation insurance.

Gantt Agency Is Here To Help

Companies can lower their workers’ compensation rates by providing a safe environment that limits claims. The team at Gantt Agency can not only help with suggestions on maintaining a safe workplace but can also provide a workers’ compensation plan that can be effective and efficient for both you and your staff. Reach out to us and see what we can do for you.

Key Things to Know about Commercial Cyber Insurance

Few businesses operate today without computers to pay bills, interact with customers and suppliers, and monitor competitors down the street or on the other side of the world. While computers and networks are invaluable tools, they expose businesses to potential cybercrimes that could halt their operations and harm their reputation. If you are in the Farmville, VA area and want to protect your company from the financial effects of cybercrime, our Gantt Agency team is ready to serve you.

What is Cyber Insurance, and Who Needs it?

Cyber insurance protects against cybercrime, which involves using a computer to steal information from others or limit the information owner’s use. Cybercrime is a potential problem for companies that store customer information or rely on computers, networks, and cloud-based platforms to run their business. If your business meets those criteria, you should consider the protection of cyber insurance.

Cyber insurance has three primary elements:

First-party: Covers the cost of investigating issues, notifying customers, and your lost revenues and ransomware payments.

Third-party or cyber liability: Despite being a victim, you may be responsible to others for attorney fees, settlements, and fines and losses others suffer due to the cyber incident.

Errors and omissions: Mostly needed by technology businesses, this coverage protects against losses others suffer due to faulty logic, code, or other issues among those using their products and services.

Some insurance companies require that you take specific preventive steps before they issue a cyber insurance policy, while additional preventive measures may lead to discounted premiums.

Have Questions? Consult With Us

The team of experts at Gantt Agency handles the business and personal insurance needs of many in the Farmville, VA area. Drop by or call us today to build an insurance plan that protects your business and personal assets.

Should all businesses in Virginia need to get commercial insurance?

Being a business owner in the Farmville, VA area could be a great idea. When you are a business owner here, you will enjoy all of the local amenities and a strong economy. When you do start to build and establish a business in this region, getting the proper insurance is very important.

There are various reasons why all businesses in this state need to get a commercial plan:

Protect Business

An important reason for any business in this part of Virginia to get commercial insurance is to protect their business. If you are going to start a company, you will want to know you have support for unexpected situations. When you get a proper commercial insurance plan, it will offer this support. With commercial coverage, you can get support to replace commercial assets if you incur a loss or to cover liability claims in the future. 

Ensure Compliance

It is also helpful to get commercial coverage to ensure you are in compliance. Having insurance is very important, and it is often a requirement for businesses of all sizes. With the right coverage, you can comply with requirements that are often set in loan and lease agreements, investor contracts, and contracts with vendors, suppliers, and customers. This can help to protect your reputation and allow you to avoid penalization. 

Give Us A Call

If you are a business owner in the Farmville, VA area, you will want to be assured that you selected the right type of insurance for your company. When you are ready to start looking for coverage, it would be advantageous to call our team with the Gantt Agency. Our insurance team at the Gantt Agency can help you create a new plan that will protect your business in a variety of situations. 

Does my home business need commercial insurance?

Home-based businesses are increasingly popular choices for those who have a small business. Not having to pay for rent is a great saving. At Gantt Agency in Farmville, VA, we have 8 offices and one of them is likely to be convenient for you to visit or call. We have been growing since 1988 and our team has the knowledge and experience that you look for in an independent insurance agent. 

Simply stated, yes, your home business does need commercial insurance. The fact is, your home insurance is not designed to protect a business, and it can either not cover or have very limited coverage for your business. 

Why Commercial Insurance?

Property insurance

If your property insurance covers any business property, it will be very limited. You could lose all your tools, inventory, office equipment and other things that you use to conduct your business. Having commercial property insurance will protect your business assets when you have them in your home or in your vehicle. 

Liability insurance

Getting sued as a small business is almost a certainty and if you are counting on your home insurance liability to protect your business you will be disappointed. Home insurance will not cover you. If you have customers or clients visiting your home and they are injured, you will be on your own. If a client sues you, you are out of luck. 

Auto insurance

If you are using your personal vehicle for business, you are taking a very big risk. Your personal auto insurance does not cover business use. If you have an accident you could find yourself with a lot of uncovered damage. You could be sued for injuries and damage and that could be very expensive. 

Give Us A Call

Contact Gantt Agency in Farmville, VA when you are in need of commercial insurance information. 

Must-Have Commercial Insurance Coverages in Virginia

If you are trying your hands in business, you must be open to the fact that you have to contend with various risks present in the business environment. Your business is never short of risks from liability claims, fires, and theft to natural disasters. While there are several risk mitigation strategies you can devise, don’t forget about commercial insurance from Gantt Agency in Farmville, VA. Business insurance restores your financial position when perils strike.

But since commercial insurance has numerous policies, you may be confused about the ones you should consider for your business.

Here are must-have commercial insurance policies:

Worker’s comp insurance

If you have more than two employees in Virginia, the law requires you to purchase workers’ comp insurance. This coverage pays for hospitalization costs, ongoing care, and partial loss of wages for the injured employee.

General liability coverage

Regardless of the nature of your business, it’s exposed to liability claims like bodily injury, property damage, libel, slander, and other liability claims. Liability coverage covers the legal hassles when accused by third parties.

Property insurance

Business assets like buildings, computers, furniture, and inventories are susceptible to losses and damage. Perils such as smoke, fire, natural disasters, and vandalism may damage your assets, resulting in significant financial losses. Invest in property insurance to compensate when faced with damage or loss of your assets.

Professional liability insurance

If you provide services, you had better invest in this coverage. This policy protects you when sued for negligence, missed deadlines, and incomplete work by your consumers.

Cyber liability insurance

The proliferation of cyberattacks means you need to protect your business with cyber liability insurance. This coverage cushions you financially by covering PR, notification, and legal costs after a cyberattack. Ready to invest in commercial insurance in Farmville, VA? Please get in touch with Gantt Agency for an affordable quote.

Let’s review your worker’s comp policy

Owning a business comes with a lot of responsibility. One of those obligations is worker’s compensation. Here at the Gantt Agency, we believe that business owners in the Farmville, VA area need to understand their options when it comes to workers’ comp policies. If it’s time to review your current policy, give us a call today.

Understanding your company’s worker’s comp policy

If you are a decision-maker within your company, it’s important to understand your firm’s insurance portfolio. This includes your worker’s comp policy. This type of insurance protection can help you from catastrophic expenses if an employee is injured on the job. Not only do you want to ensure that your coverage levels are adequate, but you’ll also want to check that your policy protection is comprehensive. Having the right protection at the appropriate levels can help you weather most unfortunate situations successfully!

Worker’s comp insurance is in place to protect both you and your workers. As your company grows and changes, so too will your insurance needs. We recommend an annual review to ensure that your policy is keeping pace with your company’s growth. Conversely, if you are getting the job done with fewer employees, you will want to adjust your policy coverage accordingly. Let us help you protect your hard work. As today’s work environment continues to change rather substantially, shouldn’t your insurance also adjust?

Call us today to schedule your review

The entire team here at the Gantt Agency is ready to help you with all of your commercial insurance needs. Contact us today to set up a consultation to review your Farmville VA business’s worker’s comp policy.

The Importance of Commercial Insurance

It can be incredibly exciting to be a business owner. For many reasons, it can also be stressful. Let insurance take some of this stress away by getting your and your business covered against potential financial and emotional burdens.

Gantt Agency in Farmville, VA provides commercial insurance for businesses from small to large. You can discuss commercial insurance with one of our agents if you are a person living in the state of Virginia.

Situations you want commercial insurance for

Your business will need to be insured for a lot of things. This can feel like a minefield, but it gets easier if you imagine some situations your business should be insured for. Some of these are listed for you below: 

  • Ensure your business has liability insurance. Imagine the following: you own a factory, and one of your employees is involved in a horrific factory accident that requires a ton of medical attention, and thereby, costs. Liability insurance can help cover these costs, but it can also help you in case this employee decides to sue your or your company. At the same time, if you don’t own a factory, don’t think you don’t require liability insurance. Someone who slips and falls in an office building can still sue their company, and liability insurance can still cover you for that. 
  • Commercial property insurance; is again relevant to both office buildings and factories, or even retail and gyms. Whatever it is, make sure your business location is insured in case of things like fires and floodings. 

Gantt Agency in Farmville, VA is happy to help you today to work through your commercial insurance quotes. Call us today or request a quote online.